Saturday, 7 September 2013

To my SAOL Team

It feels a bit unreal that yesterday was my last day at SAOL. I want to say thank you again for the card and the gift...I'll try this crazy beans and toast concoction and report back to you all! I really appreciate all the kind words from everyone. I wanted to share my thoughts about these past two months with you all, and I knew I could do it best through writing so here goes...

I am really thankful for the opportunity to have interned at SAOL. If I'm going to be completely honest, it was hard for me at times, and I wondered if I was really being a help to the team or just being more of a burden. As you all know, this was a huge adventure for me and I'm sorry if I let some of those emotions get in the way of my work. 2 months is a difficult amount of time to work with because I feel like right as I was getting completely comfortable and starting to feel like this was becoming home, I have to pack up and leave. I learned so much, though, and I would not have traded my time at SAOL for anything else. While the children really wore on my energy most days, they also tugged at my heartstrings and I will miss them all. Working with the women was also great. I learned a lot from them by listening to their stories and I wish them all the best! 

I just want you all to know how much I enjoyed getting to know you. I have a lot of respect for you all and will miss you! Thank you for everything. Thank you for the laughs, for teaching me, and for making me feel like I was a part of the team and not just coming to work every day to see my coworkers, but to see friends. I wish you all the best in your lives and I do hope we stay in touch! (This is one of the few pros of facebook!) If you ever come to Colorado, know that you will have a friend to get in touch with! 

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